time has been slipping away from me, and with a couple eyelash tangling blinks of my eyes april is quickly turning into may.
usually i'm the kind of person who finds comfort in routine, but lately i've been dying for some excuse to change it up. low and behold my excuse showed itself days after my birthday. a new face, a new feeling, a warm body to take away the deafening silence of the cabin.
last weekend my excuse and i headed out to mt. harvard, a fourteener 10 miles west of buena vista for the first camp of the season. it was... perfect. sure, it was about 20 degrees at 12,000 feet, but with a raging fire and a never ending supply of s'mores there wasn't much to compla
in about. well, except for me forgetting the rain fly to the little kelty tent broken in and seasoned by music festivals, mountains and well, rain. dammit. we set up camp alongside the arkansas river, which was pretty amazing but cold. sunday morning jason and i caved and went to the coyote cantina for some breakfast and hot (!!!) coffee.
here are a couple pics: